Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 is going to be full of New Adventures.....

First off, Happy New Year! 2013 is going to be the Best Year You have Ever Seen!

Have you ever travelled in an area that you have never been too or not familiar with?  I am there now  unsure on my next move but putting one foot in front of the other and following God's lead all the way.

I have started and embarked on a new adventure that is Spirit led on my path of being a Homemaker aka "stay at home mom" that includes home management and organizing our lives to run more efficient, Meal Planning and living by a budget, home schooling my toddlers, and but most importantly striving toward being a Proverbs 31 Woman which my marriage and children are my #1 ministry.

2012 was my year of preparation for what I am embarking on for 2013. In a few short weeks I will start homeschooling my tot and then by fall I will be full speed ahead with my wings spread wide heading into 3 day a week preschool. I never thought I would even do anything like this. I remember growing up in my church and hearing some people speak of homeschooling but never thought that would be something for me to do someday. So here I am, obeying the still small voice "this is my purpose for such a time as this"...

The other thing that God has laid on my heart is relearning how to become a better me, wife, and mother. I have always loved to organize but didn't really know how to organize my family & home... So my other goal is that in one year from this week that my house would be organized. Learning to manage my home and family is vital. When you get married and have children we always tell ourselves "I was never given a manual to raise my children or how to be a wife" but that is not true...God's word is our manual from being a woman of faith, what is expected in a marriage for men and woman, how to raise your children, to love, to forgive, and the list can go on. I have always had the manual but I don't think I really took the time to study the manual to figure out how everything works together to glorify God! So here I am on my journey as I crack open the manual, learn how to manage through making my own stuff, to cooking, reading books, motherhood, and being a good wife that loves the Lord with all her heart. Not just saying it but actually walking & speaking it...I hope you join me on my travels and I am always open to new ideas....

God Bless


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