"God loves you, God love you now.God loves you when you're unglued.God loves you when you stuff. God loves you when you explode. He loves when you exemplify soul integrity., and He loves you when you don't. He loves you. He loves you. he loves you. He loves you so much that He refuses to leave you stuck in this place. Take His hand, trust His love, and walk in the beautiful opportunity for imperfect progress." Lysa Terkeurst

1. God Loves Me UNCONDIONALLY! His mercies are new every morning!
2. To give grace & love to others
3. To Pause-STOP!, Needs Perspective, and Then Respond
I have always been a type of person that can easily come unglued but through this journey that I choose forgive myself and give grace to others. The hardest thing to do in my life is forgive myself and honestly showing grace through my actions & words. I know that it took years to become the person I am today and I know that boom I wake up and I am new person. But everyday I have a choice I have to make. The choice to control my raw emotions instead of allowing them to control me and how I treat others around me. Everyday is a new day. Thank you to Lysa for making me see the truth about myself, laughing and even times of tears (of course from laughing-) Thank you Melissa, for being a great leader and posting words of encouragement daily! You have been a blessing to me!
I know that Unglued will be a book that stays very close to my purse, my nightstand, and my desk!
I can't wait until we start the OBS of "The Greater" -
Seeking Him First,
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