Saturday, September 29, 2012

Feeling a bit Unglued at Times

"Wise people store up knowledge, But the mouth of the foolish is near destruction"  Prov 10:14

I started a bible study on the book "Unglued" by Lysa Terkeurst. This book has really helped me in so many ways. I have always been an outspoken and at times be very explosive in my words toward anyone that crossed my path. I would try so hard not too but I had a really hard time holding my tongue and temper. I have ruined relationships because I was too outspoken or said things that I didn't mean to say but I said them anyway. I have prayed for years that I would just learn to hold my tongue but it never truly came until I understood that their has to be a balance in my life. I finally got to a point that I just gave up and had a chip on my shoulder and didn't care how it effected people. So many times my emotions were running crazy and out of control especially during and after each of my pregnancy. I could tell people didn't really wanted to talk to me but felt obligated.

Then I started reading this book. Everything changed. I was listening to K-love on the internet and went to their website seen this book and read a little bit about it. I felt like I finally found something that could help me and not just for a moment or for a season but really change me inside. I ordered it and started in on it. Now I am in the bible study that is awesome. Not only do I feel like I am not alone I feel like God has something to tell me and he really is going to make me WHOLE inside! See God knew the mess I would be in from my childhood on up but HE (GOD ALMIGHTY) wasn't going to leave me in that mess on the inside. He is making me whole just like the blind man that Jesus healed when he spit in his eyes in Mark 8.

Another thing, I am holding onto is I am an Imperfect Progress. What does imperfect progress means  to me? It means to me  that I am accepting the challenges on this journey with God and other ladies that I have never met and we live all over the world. We are coming together as One in Christ and we are putting one foot in front of the other. Ps. 37:23 "The steps of a good man (woman) are ordered by the Lord.." I can't run up the steps or leap  or skip a step; we have to take one step at a time so we don't miss what God has for us. Praise God for steps! For the first time in my life, I am  literally seeing myself as God sees me a Beautiful Jewel that is Precious to Him. Since I have gotten this book, doors have opened like never before. My eyes have been opened up to Proverbs 31 ministry and to a whole new world of women who are just like me. No matter what stage of life all of us women are in, God is expressing and showing us that no matter how many times we might fall, He is there with His arms wide open and telling us how much we are worth ! We have to keep moving the line forward and  pick ourselves up and do it again just like the Prodigal Son.

I am going to close with this Praise Report of what Unglued has done for me: In the last couple of months I have seen and experience God restore relationships that I thought would never be restored. A few years ago, I went from having hurt feelings, to hurting people in my family with my explosive words and outburst. My brother n law and sister n law are a lot younger than me and honestly I didn't know how to handle being older than them and understand the important role I had. Anyway, my husband and I had set up a meeting to deal with the disagreement and fighting. My husband and I even prayed at the table together before we left.  My emotions were already high  due to giving birth to my daughter a couple months earlier.  No excuse but I lost control literally. I said and did things I didn't even mean. So for about 2 years, we spoke causally & cordially with each other but the Wall of Jerico was around us with a very thick wall of tension until the last couple of months. God started convicting my heart to make things right with them. I called my sister n law, humbly asked for forgiveness and made things right with them both. God told me it wasn't good enough to just apologize but actions spoke louder than words. When I read the book, "Unglued" and I read "Imperfect changes are slow steps of progress wrapped in grace...imperfect progress." This sentence changed my outlook completely.

So I took one baby step at a time and watched God do the rest. Now,  we get the together with them and my other sister n law and boyfriend, my mother and father n law once a month. We are talking, texting, and planning things to do together. We call each other and spend time together. We are becoming sisters that God intended for us. God is so good and I am so thankful for her. God has restored what I thought was definitely destroyed from my mouth.

I look forward and seeing God change me, mold me, I come with a heart like a sponge reading this book and learning from other ladies just like me.  Seeing God make each of us whole inside and out.

Until Next Time

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